• Here Are Some Challenges that Floating Solar Facing

Here Are Some Challenges that Floating Solar Facing

Solar Floating Platform's high growth potential is recognized by more and more PV participants.

Advantages of FPV

1. More electricity generation                                                                 
The water has a natural cooling effect on reducing the temperature of the solar panel surface. The effect of water surface ventilation is less.

2. Protecting water resource                                                 
Installing solar panels above water can decrease water evaporation, and prevent algae from breeding.

3. Fast Installation                                                          
FPV Installation requires no civil work compared with a ground solar installation, according to the completed FPV projects experience: the installation capacity of a team containing 10 people can reach 500kW per day.

4. Convenient operation and maintenance                                                                                 
FPV has less dust than ground or roof solar systems so that solar modules are easy to clean. Water areas can somehow prevent system damage by onlookers.

5. Do not occupy land
Applies to subsidence water area of coal mineral, reservoirs, mining - subsidence, lake, dam, industrial wastewater area, pond.

Despite these advantages, floating solar still represents less than 0.5% of the total solar photovoltaic installations globally and an even smaller share of the entire renewables market.

Here are the Challenges that Floating solar facing:

1. During installation, there are significant challenges related to anchoring and mooring them in place, accounting for possible water level variations, the reservoir's bed type and depth, and extreme weather situations such as high winds and waves. Accordingly, engineering and construction costs are usually higher than those of a round-mounted solar farm. 

2. Safety issues arise due to floating solar involving water and electricity. Consequently, more attention must be given to cable management and insulation testing than on land, especially when cables are in contact with water. 

3. In a floating solar plant, there are moving parts that are subject to constant friction and mechanical stress. Systems that are poorly designed and maintained could suffer from catastrophic failures. 

4. The Floating PV installations tend to be at risk of degradation and corrosion due to moisture, especially in more aggressive coastal environments. 
5. Developing a floating solar plant on a site requires a thorough understanding of its water-bed topography and suitability for setting up anchors for floats. This makes site selection expensive and complicated.